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Advising Syllabus

Advising Syllabus

Mission Statement

College of The Albemarle’s (COA) Student Success and Enrollment Management (SSEM) provides intentional, proactive, innovative outreach and support services to prospective and enrolled students.

Definition and Learning Outcomes

Advising is a partnership between you and your advisor that maximizes your potential to:

  1. Clarify your life goals and career goals
  2. Develop an education plan and completion date
  3. Identify appropriate resources and services that support your educational goals
  4. Understand policies, procedures, and expectations important to your college experience and success


Your Role

  • Recognize your strengths/values/interests and develop achievable goals consistent with these
  • Work with your advisor to develop an educational plan and a career plan
  • Follow through on advising recommendations in a timely manner
  • Be accessible via phone, COA email and by appointment
  • Understand the requirements of your program of study
  • Build relationships with faculty and staff to reach your educational and career goals
  • Be proactive and seek out appropriate resources and services
  • Navigate technology systems: MyCourses, MyService website, Watermark and Career Coach™

Your Advisor’s Role

  • Help you understand the value and purpose of higher education
  • Create opportunities for you to communicate your goals
  • Empower you to advocate for yourself
  • Support you in creating your educational plan and career plan
  • Provide an environment where you feel comfortable and receptive to the information shared with you
  • Connect you with resources and services that assist you with social/personal, academic and career needs

Seek out advising by contacting your advisor.

Note: Walk-ins and appointments vary throughout the year. Send questions by email to You can also look up your assigned advisor/advising office in MyService and Aviso.

Access a list of COA advisors

Student Planning Checklist

Before the first day of the first semester at COA ☐ Meet with an advisor to discuss plan/goals for classes (new students assigned SSEM advisor)
☐ Advisor’s name: _________________________________
☐ Register for classes with an advisor and get printout of schedule
☐ Register and pay for classes before deadline
Complete COA’s Online Orientation
☐ Review COA course catalog and student code of conduct, academic policies and confidentiality (FERPA)
Ongoing ☐ Review important dates/deadlines (registration priority, payment, withdrawals, etc.)
☐ Use MyService to schedule classes, track academic progress, and develop/revise your timeline educational plan, and to track financial aid
☐ Understand advising next step
☐ Be accessible via phone, COA email and by appointment with advisor (continue to check emails)
☐ Connect with campus resources for support (tutoring, accessibility services, internships) as needed
☐ Consider educational and career goals; Set up a Career Coach profile
☐ Review program of study requirements, including general education and program specific courses
1st semester ☐ Take ACA 111 or ACA 122
☐ Learn about campus activities and student organizations
☐ Schedule and attend a mandatory advising appointment to discuss plan/goals during priority advising times (September and February) for classes: _________________________________
☐ Advisor’s name: _________________________________
☐ Review your program of study curriculum guide prior to meeting advisor
☐ Program of study/major: _________________________________
☐ Prepare questions for meeting with assigned advisor
☐ Develop/revise your academic plan utilizing MyService timeline
☐ If transferring to a four-year college, develop a transfer plan and attend the transfer fair
☐ Explore possible career outcomes of educational goals using Career Coach and other resources
☐ Consider commitments that may impact your course schedule and study plan
☐ Know your priority registration date: _________________________________
☐ Check academic calendar (important dates/deadlines) for registration and semester start dates
☐ You must submit official transcripts by the end of the first semester
2nd semester ☐ Schedule and attend a mandatory advising appointment with advisor
☐ Be able to communicate educational and career goals
☐ Know your priority registration date: _________________________________
☐ Consider completion timeline for educational goals
☐ Review ongoing commitments that may impact subsequent course schedule and study plan
After completing 30 hours ☐ Consider completion timeline for educational goals
☐ Use MyService to schedule classes, track academic progress and check financial aid status
☐ Meet with an advisor as needed
☐ Update your resume in Career Coach, prepare for interviews and attend career/transfer fairs
☐ Explore Work-Based Learning, internships or Study Abroad opportunities
Prior to final semester ☐ Meet with academic advisor or faculty advisor to review program evaluation and graduation requirements for program of study before graduation
☐ Finalize career/transfer plans
☐ Apply for graduation